
Dr. John Weru is an assistant Professor in Pain & Palliative Medicine at the Aga Khan University Hospital. He chairs the Hospital Ethics Committee at the institution and leads the East African Steering Committee in Palliative Care (EAPCSC) within the Aga Khan Health Services.  He is the chair of the board of the Kenya Hospices and Palliative Care Association( KEHPCA). He is a faculty member with the ECHO-PACA II and the CK-BTI projects.

Dr. Weru is a peer reviewer with the Journal of Supportive Care in Cancer and sub-editor of the Palliative Medicine and Hospice Care Open journal. He has published peer reviewed articles and written multiple book chapters. He is the local PI for a multinational study  ” ECHO Telementoring to Improve Quality of Palliative Care in  Zambia, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, and India.