David Makumi is an award winning cancer control advocate and has worked in cancer control at clinical, advocacy and policy level for over 15 years. He was the first recipient of the International Award for Contribution to Cancer Care from the East African Region by Oncology Nursing Society (ONS-USA) in 2011.
David is the vice chair of Non-communicable Diseases Alliance Kenya (NCDAK) and the immediate former Chairman of the Kenyan Network of Cancer Organizations,(KENCO) the umbrella body of the cancer civil society groups with over 25 cancer patients associations, Community Based organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations and patient groups. He is also serves as the Vice Chairman of the Non Communicable Diseases Alliance of Kenya (NCD-AK) and sits on several cancer related boards and technical groups.
He has professional interests in low cost models of access to screening and care for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and clinical ethics.