Ms. Roselyne Okumu is the current Chair of the Oncology Nurses Chapter –Kenya, and a member of, NNAK , AORTIC and Africa Oncology Nurses Network.
Roselyne is an assistant chief nurse at KNH CTC, she has excelled in provision of nursing care to different categories of patients. As an Oncology Nurse Specialist she gives nursing care while managing cancer screening & awareness services, advocacy and research.
Roselyne is involved in training, education and mentorship of students at the local university. She is a trainer of trainers of Chemosafe, a program that is geared towards provision of chemotherapy in a safe manner for the healthcare provider, the patient and the environment.
Roselyne works closely with National Cancer Control program(NCCP) and National Cancer institute (NCI) as an expert and has participated in the formulation of several Cancer strategic documents in partnership with NCI and NCCP (National Cancer Control Strategy 2017-2022, National Cancer Screening guidelines and Cancer treatment protocols. She is also involved in mapping oncology nursing training and education in Africa.
She values integrity, honesty and is passionate about cancer research, education and advocacy