Yurtdışı oturum izni

Wycliffe A Musalia

Dr Musalia is a Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist at Kenyatta National Hospital,...

Aggrey Aningu Wakhule

Aggrey began his career as a Radiation Protection Officer with...

Truphena Komen

Truphena is an Oncology Clinical Officer at Moi Teaching &...

Dr. Sulaiman Nanji

Dr. Nanji is a surgeon-scientist with the Department of Surgery...

Prof. Fredrick Chite Asirwa

Prof. Fredrick Chite Asirwa M.D. is the CEO of International Cancer Institute,...

Professor Emiola Oluwabunmi

Emiola Oluwabunmi Olapade-Olaopa is a professor of Surgery at the...

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